As well as shooting the sunset on Saturday I extended the evening with a trip into Bolehill woods for a spot of light painting with Andy & Leon.
It was a lovely night with a full moon which looked great shining through the trees. To create this shot I first started by making the orb then added the coloured light trails with my etched blade and multicolour torch. All I had to do then was light up the trees from the sides to simulate the moonlight, if you look towards the back of the woods you can just see my face catching the light from my torch as it bounced back from the tree I was standing behind. The whole process took 18 minutes which is why the stars have trailed across the night sky.(Olympus EM-1 mkii 7-14mm f/2.8 pro 20 secs Live Composite over 18 minutes f/6.3 @ 8mm)
Photographer: Stephen Elliott